2023 Reading Schedule Builder

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Genres › Italy

The Adventures of Pinocchio
Carlo Collodi
14 days
1881 • The beloved story of the puppet come-to-life and his adventures on the road to becoming a real boy.
The Decameron
Giovanni Boccaccio
98 days
1353 • One hundred stories told amidst the Black Death, ranging from the witty to erotic to tragic to life lessons. An entertaining and vivid snapshot of life from 14th century Italy.
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Edward Gibbon
300 days
1776 • The monumental six volume history of Rome, from its peak through the fall first of Western Rome and then of Byzantium.
74 days
65 • A collection of Stoic essays, letters, and other writings from statesman and philosopher Seneca the Younger.
My Prisons
Silvio Pellico
20 days
1832 • Italian writer and poet Silvio Pellico recounts his harrowing years of imprisonment after being arrested - and nearly sentenced to death - for his revolutionary actions against Austrian despotism.
George Eliot
74 days
1862 • In Renaissance Florence amidst political and religious upheaval, Romola must choose her own path among shifting alliances, spiritual guidance, and betrayals by those closest to her.
A Room with a View
E.M. Forster
28 days
1908 • While traveling in Italy, Lucy Honeychurch finds her affections torn between two men: one a socially acceptable match, the other her true love.
Sea and Sardinia
D.H. Lawrence
25 days
1921 • Lawrence recounts his trip through Sicily to the interior of Sardinia alongside his wife.
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