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The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
152 days
1880 • Enter the Karamazovs: the buffoon father, fiery Dmitri, intellectual Ivan, angelic Alexei, and sneaking Pavel. This epic tale juggles faith, reason, judgement, and murder.
The Call of Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft
5 days
1926 • Notes from his granduncle put Francis Wayland Thurston on the trail of a dangerous cult and something far more hideous in the depths of the ocean.
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
251 days
1927 • All the stories of the famous "consulting detective" Sherlock Holmes and his loyal friend Dr. John Watson.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle
24 days
1902 • A diabolical hell hound has leapt out of legends to ravage the moors in England's West Country. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson dive in to protect the remaining Baskerville heir.
The House on the Borderland
William Hope Hodgson
24 days
1908 • Supernatural pig-like creatures assault the narrator in a remote otherworldly house. This creepy, unsettling tale had a major influence on Lovecraft and Terry Pratchett.
The Idiot
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
100 days
1869 • Prince Myshkin is so good, so pure of heart, that those around him assume he is simply an idiot. What happens when this ideally good man enters society?
King Solomon's Mines
H. Rider Haggard
38 days
1885 • Daring explorers plunge into the unexplored depths of Africa in seek of family, adventure, and Biblical riches.
A Lost Lady
Willa Cather
12 days
1923 • The decline of Mrs. Marian Forrester, through the loving eyes of Niel Herbert, as the pioneering age of the West disappears around them.
The Lost World
Arthur Conan Doyle
28 days
1912 • A hidden plateau deep in the jungles of the Amazon harbors wonders beyond imagination, and only the fiery Professor Challenger knows the way.
William Shakespeare
10 days
1611 • Macbeth and his wife, consumed by desire for power, are driven to murder - then destroyed by guilt, paranoia, and madness.
My Man Jeeves
P.G. Wodehouse
22 days
1919 • Londoner Bertie Wooster is young, rich, and completely helpless. Fortunately his valet Jeeves is on hand to rescue Wooster from every mess he falls into.
My Ántonia
Willa Cather
37 days
1918 • The heart-wrenching tale of growing up on the prairie in the 19th century, the building of that "incommunicable past" between childhood friends Jim and Ántonia.
Persian Letters
28 days
1721 • Journey with Persian nobles Usbek and Rica as they travel through France, seek to understand Western culture, and deal with turmoil at home.
War of the Worlds
H.G. Wells
23 days
1898 • In one of the earliest and most influential sci-fi novels, Martians invade early 20th century Earth and begin exterminating humanity.
The Willows
Algernon Blackwood
8 days
1907 • Along the banks of the Danube, on one of the shifting impermanent islands of sand, willows blow in the unceasing wind. And one can glimpse dangerous, unforgettable beings in the night.
Mastodon Mastodon