2023 Reading Schedule Builder

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Most Popular Genres Collections
The Last Man
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
72 days
1826 • Plague threatens to destroy mankind, and Romantic ideals, in this grim apocalyptic science fiction novel.
War of the Worlds
H.G. Wells
23 days
1898 • In one of the earliest and most influential sci-fi novels, Martians invade early 20th century Earth and begin exterminating humanity.
Camille Flammarion
17 days
1893 • In a 25th century future with remarkably similar challenges to our present, an inbound comet spells the end of the world.
After London
Richard Jefferies
33 days
1885 • After a sudden disaster wipes across England, the population reverts to a more barbaric way of life to survive in this early post-apocalyptic novel.
The Poison Belt
Arthur Conan Doyle
13 days
1913 • The Earth is hurtling towards a mysterious - and deadly - "belt" in space. Professor Challenger predicts the threat and rushes to save his companions.
Journal of the Plague Year
Daniel Defoe
27 days
1722 • A vivid chronicle of the Great Plague sweeping through London in 1665 as fear and death grip the city.
Karel Capek
6 days
1920 • The R.U.R. factory produces robots: efficient servants meant to serve humans. But unrest is brewing. This play is credited for introducing the word "robot" to the English language.
The Scarlet Plague
Jack London
6 days
1912 • A post-apocalyptic novel about an uncontrollable disease that causes denial, fear, and violence until society itself collapses.
The Last American
John Ames Mitchell
4 days
1889 • In the year 2951, a Persian admiral re-discovers America long after it had been wiped out by climate change and tries to piece together its history.
Mastodon Mastodon