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The Agricola and The Germania
9 days
98 • Roman historian Tacitus recounts the life of Gnaeus Julius Agricola, as well as an overview of Germania.
Commentaries on the Gallic War
Julius Caesar
23 days
58 BC • An account of the conflicts between the Roman Empire and the peoples living in Gaul, Britain, and the lands east of the Rhine.
Confessions of St. Augustine
Augustine of Hippo
39 days
400 • In this theological landmark, Augustine describes his sinful youth and conversion to Christianity, alongside spiritual meditations and insights. One of the first Western autobiographies.
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Edward Gibbon
300 days
1776 • The monumental six volume history of Rome, from its peak through the fall first of Western Rome and then of Byzantium.
74 days
65 • A collection of Stoic essays, letters, and other writings from statesman and philosopher Seneca the Younger.
Julius Caesar
William Shakespeare
9 days
1599 • After a stunning military victory Caesar is the most powerful man in Rome. As the ides of March approach, dark plots are put in motion to protect the empire.
The Last Days of Pompeii
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
52 days
1834 • Set in the decadent Roman empire, virtuous Greeks Glaucus and Ione seek love and happiness amidst malevolent sorcerers and impending doom.
Marcus Aurelius
19 days
170 AD • The personal writings and reflections of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, ranging from human rationality to divine providence.
Mastodon Mastodon