2023 Reading Schedule Builder

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Genres › Time Travel

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Mark Twain
54 days
1889 • A Yankee engineer is accidentally sent back in time, but using modern technology manages to convince the court of King Arthur that he is a powerful magician.
Tales of Space and Time
H.G. Wells
22 days
1899 • A collection of fantasy and sci-fi stories including runaway stars, stone age breakthroughs, and a mysterious glowing egg.
The Time Machine
H.G. Wells
14 days
1895 • The story that coined the concept of time travel, journey with our Victorian scientist into the far-flung future where humanity has split into two mysterious races.
The Time Traders
Andre Alice Norton
18 days
1958 • Criminal Ross Murdock grabs a chance for freedom: a secret government time travel project. But even thousands of years in the past, modern conflicts threaten Murdock's world.
Mastodon Mastodon