1915 •
Gregor wakes one day to find he has transformed into a repulsive insect-like monster. Soon his life begins to fall apart around him.
The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
152 days
1880 •
Enter the Karamazovs: the buffoon father, fiery Dmitri, intellectual Ivan, angelic Alexei, and sneaking Pavel. This epic tale juggles faith, reason, judgement, and murder.
Samuel Butler
36 days
1872 •
A satirical description of the utopian society Erewhon that mirrors 19th century England.
16 days
1759 •
In the "best of all possible worlds," young Candide still seems to fall into tragedy after tragedy. In this comical satire, Voltaire mocks religion, governments and runaway optimism.
The Trial
Franz Kafka
36 days
1925 •
Thirty-year-old bank officer Josef K. is suddenly and inexplicably arrested, then forced to stand trial without knowing his crime in his disturbing tale.
Henry David Thoreau
48 days
1854 •
Not just a reference for pithy thinkpieces on smartphones, Thoreau's sojourn by Walden Pond is an early social experiment seeking self-reliance, self-fulfillment, and happiness.
Civil Disobedience
Henry David Thoreau
4 days
1849 •
Disgusted by the Mexican-American War and slavery, Thoreau urges citizens to right their government's wrongs and be agents of positive change - even if it means breaking unjust laws.
Common Sense
Thomas Paine
10 days
1776 •
Written as the American British colonies wavered over the question of independence, Paine's concise and approachable arguments convinced the colonies to become a country.
Rights of Man
Thomas Paine
36 days
1791 •
Writing in support of the in-progress French Revolution, Paine argues in favor of popular revolution against a government that no longer defends or respects its citizens' natural rights.
Beyond Good and Evil
Friedrich Nietzsche
27 days
1886 •
Nietzsche here challenges notions of Western thought and accepted religious ideas, accusing Christianity of "slave morality" and instead looking for individuals to impose their own will on the world.
The Blazing World
Margaret Cavendish
17 days
1666 •
This forerunner of science fiction depicts a young woman's journey into a utopian kingdom, where the stars are strange, reached from the North Pole.
Herman Hesse
16 days
1922 •
In the time of the Gautama Buddha, a young man named Siddhartha abandons his home and possessions to begin a journey of self-discovery.
In the Penal Colony
Franz Kafka
5 days
1919 •
A diabolical execution machine is about to be used for the last time in an unnamed penal colony.
6 days
335 BC •
One of the earliest and most influential works of criticism, Aristotle discusses elements of drama and tragedy. "The plot is the source and the soul of tragedy."
A Hunger Artist
Franz Kafka
2 days
1922 •
A hunger artist - who fasts for the entertainment of others - finds the popularity of his performances is waning. Soon spectators prefer seeing animals in a circus, and his near-death condition goes unnoticed.
Notes from Underground
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
18 days
1864 •
The rambling memoirs of the isolated, bitter, Underground Man as he discusses philosophy, fantasies, and struggles to interact with others.
A Voyage to Arcturus
David Lindsay
39 days
1920 •
A fantastical journey exploring philosophy and the nature of good and evil. Maskull sets off on an adventure in a crystal ship towards the planet Tormance.
All Things Considered
G.K. Chesterton
23 days
1908 •
Essays and musings on wine, fairy tales, and windswept hats from one of England's most celebrated writers.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Mary Wollstonecraft
37 days
1792 •
One of the earliest works of feminist philosophy. Wollstonecraft argues women deserve the same fundamental rights as men, should not be treated as property to be traded in marriage, and should have access to education.
Ayn Rand
8 days
1938 •
A glimpse at a frightening future where individuality is nowhere to be found and all decisions are made by a committee. When our narrator breaks the bounds of society, he is marked for death.
Paradise Lost
John Milton
33 days
1667 •
An epic poem winding itself around the Biblical story of Adam, Eve, and Satan in the Garden of Eden in an effort to "justify the ways of God to men."
The Art of War
Sun Tzu
5 days
500 BC •
An ancient Chinese military treatise looked upon as a definitive work on strategy and tactics. It has influenced military thinking worldwide.
On the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin
58 days
1859 •
A foundation of evolutionary biology. Darwin shows that populations evolve over the course of many generations through natural selection.
The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
5 days
1848 •
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles" argue Marx and Engels in this, their world-shaking political pamphlet advocating for socialism over capitalism.
The Jefferson Bible
Thomas Jefferson
10 days
1819 •
Also known as The Life and Morals of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jefferson reconstructed the life of Jesus from the Gospels into a single narrative, focusing on his teachings.
The Republic
42 days
380 BC •
One of the most influential works of philosophy and political theory, Plato discusses - through a dialogue between Socrates and three interlocutors - the nature of justice and what it means to a community, and to an individual.
The Federalist Papers
74 days
1788 •
A collection of 85 essays written under the pseudonym Publius by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the new United States Constitution.
The Analects
12 days
400 BC •
A collection of Confucius' sayings put together by his pupils, making up his philosophy of the pursuit of moral perfection.
On the Bondage of the Will
Martin Luther
42 days
1525 •
Martin Luther writes about whether human beings are free to choose good or evil in this response to Desiderius Erasmus' attack on Luther's beliefs.
The Dhammapada
6 days
300 BC •
A collection of sayings of the Buddha. One of the best known Buddhist scriptures.
The Subjection of Women
John Stuart Mill
16 days
1869 •
Mill argues men and women are equal and deserve equal rights - including the right to vote. Such equality benefits all of society.
Marcus Aurelius
19 days
170 AD •
The personal writings and reflections of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, ranging from human rationality to divine providence.
Persian Letters
28 days
1721 •
Journey with Persian nobles Usbek and Rica as they travel through France, seek to understand Western culture, and deal with turmoil at home.
The Man Who Was Thursday
G.K. Chesterton
21 days
1908 •
Anarchist Lucian Gregory brings his new friend Gabriel Syme to his underground anarchist meeting place, only to find Syme is an undercover police officer! But Syme soon uncovers that not all is as it seems.
The Pivot of Civilization
Margaret Sanger
19 days
1922 •
Women's rights activist Margaret Sanger writes in favor of birth control, explaining its benefits for society as a whole. Intertwined is the problematic then fashionable "science" of eugenics and dealing with "defectives."
The Kingdom of God Is Within You
Leo Tolstoy
42 days
1894 •
Deemed so powerful as to be a threat to church and state - and thus banned in Russia - Tolstoy here argues against violence of any sort as a commitment to the teachings of Jesus.
Democracy in America
Alexis de Tocqueville
103 days
1835 •
Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville journeys through a new land, where the experiment of democracy has been put to the test for several centuries: America.
The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
116 days
1776 •
A fundamental work in classical economics. Scottish economist Smith, writing at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, describes an open economy able to regulate itself.
Apology of Socrates
4 days
399 BC •
The defense Socrates presented at his trial, standing accused of "corrupting the young" and impiety.
The Ethics
Benedict de Spinoza
30 days
1677 •
A masterpiece of Enlightenment-era philosophy.
Thomas More
13 days
1516 •
Journey through an island community where vice and violence are absent, all religions are tolerated, there's full employment and goods are community-owned.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
25 days
1841 •
A collection of Emerson's essays, including Self-Reliance, Compensation, The Over-Soul, and The Poet.
Anarchism and Other Essays
Emma Goldman
22 days
1910 •
Influential essays on feminism and sexuality, anarchism and political violence from Russian-American philosopher Emma Goldman.
The Age of Reason
Thomas Paine
23 days
1794 •
A fierce attack on organized religion and corruption in the Christian Church in favor of Deism. Paine's writings sparked fears of revolution and unrest among elites in Britain and the U.S.
Rabindranath Tagore
7 days
1910 •
A collection of Bengali poems, a "spiritual offering of songs," translated into English by the author. Tagore received the Nobel Prize for Literature in part due to this book.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
6 days
1836 •
Emerson's classic transcendentalist essay, finding that reality and the divine can be understood through nature.
Philosophical Dictionary
34 days
1764 •
A collection of alphabetically-organized articles in which Voltaire explores Christianity, God, morality and other subjects.
The Life of Jesus
Ernest Renan
27 days
1863 •
Renan's controversial historical account of Jesus.
The Imitation of Christ
Thomas à Kempis
28 days
1418 •
A Christian devotional, containing guidance on how to live a spiritual and pious life by seeking humility, obedience, and simplicity of life.
The Madman
Khalil Gibran
3 days
1918 •
Philosophical poetry and short stories on truth, spirituality, and love by Lebanese author Khalil Gibran
Man and Superman
George Bernard Shaw
19 days
1905 •
After her father’s death, Ann Whitefield is left in the care of two men: the old Roebuck Ramsden and young political firebrand Jack Tanner.
The Prophet
Kahlil Gibran
8 days
1923 •
The prophet Al Mustafa discusses life, death, love, and pain before boarding a ship to go home in this collection of poetry fables.
The Guide for the Perplexed
70 days
1190 •
Jewish scholar Maimonides delves into difficult questions of theology and reality, seeking to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy with the Hebrew Bible through rational explanation.
The Book of Tea
Okakura Kakuzo
6 days
1906 •
An essay aimed at explaining the connection between teaism, Taoism, and the aesthetics of Japanese culture to a western audience.
A Treatise of Human Nature
David Hume
72 days
1738 •
A foundational work in philosophy, Hume seeks to introduce a scientific mindset to the study of human psychology.
Nicomachean Ethics
29 days
340 BC •
Aristotle investigates how men should live and the nature of happiness, seeking for practical guidance rather than theoretical discussion.
Tao Te Ching
7 days
600 BC •
A fundamental Chinese text for philosophical and religious Taoism comprised of 81 short poetic sections.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Friedrich Nietzsche
29 days
1883 •
A philosophical novel in which the ancient prophet Zarathustra reveals God is dead, to be succeeded by a human embodiment of divinity: the Superman.
Fathers and Sons
Ivan Turgenev
24 days
1862 •
The Kirsanov household will soon be turned upside down by the arrival of Bazarov and his bold new ideas.
Enchiridion of Epictetus
3 days
125 •
A short manual of Stoic ethical advice, mostly derived from the Discourses of Epictetus.
Antic Hay
Aldous Huxley
30 days
1923 •
A humorous "novel of ideas" set in London in the turbulent times after WWI, among the self-absorbed cultural elite.
Discourse on the Method
Rene Descartes
8 days
1637 •
A philosophical treatise discussing skepticism -- to Descartes, the process of approaching everything with doubt and clear of preconceived notions.
The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
14 days
1762 •
Rousseau explores the possibility that a "contract" between people be the source of sovereign power, not systems such as monarchies. His ideas would help inspire political revolt through Europe.
Surrealist Manifesto
André Breton
5 days
1924 •
A discussion on defining surrealism and how to apply it to poetry, literature, and everyday life.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
46 days
1808 •
Both parts of Goethe's famous tragic play, in which a disillusioned scholar makes a deal with a devil.
Bhagavad Gita
11 days
400 BC •
One of the most well known Hindu texts touching on a wide range of spiritual topics, perhaps most prominently the importance of selflessness.
The Conquest of Bread
Peter Kropotkin
23 days
1892 •
A classic of political anarchist literature, outlining Kropotkin's perceived defects of capitalism.
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
William Blake
4 days
1790 •
A collection of poetry satirizing religion, following the author’s descent to hell.
Critique of Pure Reason
Immanuel Kant
63 days
1781 •
A landmark philosophical work in which Kant examines metaphysics, building on earlier works by Locke, Hume, Leibniz, and Wolff.
My Disillusionment in Russia
Emma Goldman
26 days
1923 •
Originally titled "My Two Years in Russia," anarchist political activist Goldman describes the tumultuous time in Russia following the Revolution of 1917. This is a complete version containing both volumes.
Fear and Trembling
Sören Kierkegaard
15 days
1843 •
Through the story of Abraham, who willingly attempted to kill his son Issac at God's command, Kierkegaard explores the nature of belief and faith.
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
Henry David Thoreau
38 days
1849 •
Thoreau describes a river trip he took with his brother John.
On Liberty
John Stuart Mill
14 days
1859 •
Philosopher John Stuart Mill and his wife Harriet Taylor in this essay apply the Utilitarian ethical theory to government, exploring individuality, authority, and freedom of speech.
Eureka: A Prose Poem
Edgar Allan Poe
12 days
1848 •
An adaptation of Poe's lecture, describing his conception of the universe and of man's relationship with God. Many ideas presage 20th-century discoveries and theories on the beginnings of the universe.
The Varieties of Religious Experience
William James
48 days
1902 •
Investigating private experiences of religion and mysticism to identify commonalities across all traditions.
The New Atlantis
Francis Bacon
5 days
1626 •
An incomplete utopian novel portraying the ideal future of human discovery and knowledge.
The Death of Ivan Ilych
Leo Tolstoy
7 days
1886 •
A powerful man of the world is suddenly and shockingly confronted with his own mortality in this, arguably one of the finest novellas ever written.
Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
R.H. Tawney
30 days
1926 •
An investigation into religion's impact on social and economic development since the Middle Ages and whether Christian morality has been made subordinate "to the pursuit of material wealth."
41 days
108 •
Lectures from Stoic philosopher Epictetus filled with practical guidance for learning and achieving happiness.
74 days
65 •
A collection of Stoic essays, letters, and other writings from statesman and philosopher Seneca the Younger.
On the Art of Reading
Arthur Quiller-Couch
21 days
1920 •
A collection of lectures exploring the best ways to experience literature and build that appreciation in others.
Culture and Anarchy
Matthew Arnold
21 days
1869 •
A series of Victorian-era essays examining the nature of culture, the value of classes, and the future of society.
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